11月3日に行われた米国大統領選挙の結果、 民主党ジョー・バイデン氏が、共和党ドナルド・トランプ氏を抑えて次期大統領に選出されることとなりました。匿名クラブグループを代表して心よりの祝意を表します。
バイデン氏はパリ協定への復帰を掲げ、 太陽光や風力発電の促進で2050年までに温暖化ガスの排出ゼロをめざすとしています。この姿勢は日本政府および本会と軌を一にするもので、衷心より歓迎するものです。この実現のため、本会は付属地球自然環境保護研究所を中心に、国際的な連帯を一層強め、自然エネルギーの活用を基本とした脱炭素社会の実現に寄与してまいります。
上永 顕理
This is a translation done by a machine.
The results of the U.S. presidential election held on November 3 will elect Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, over Republican Donald Trump. On behalf of the Anonymous Club Group, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Joe Biden.
I sincerely hope that the new President Biden will work hard to bring harmony to the country and heal the divisions brought about by the Trump administration as soon as possible, and I would like to express my utmost commitment to our international activities.
Mr. Biden has pledged to return to the Paris Agreement and has pledged to achieve zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 through the promotion of solar and wind power generation. This stance is in line with that of the Japanese government and us, and is warmly welcomed. In order to achieve this goal, we, led by RIEP, will further strengthen international cooperation and contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society based on the use of renewable energy.
The U.S. is also the home of major social media operators such as Twitter. I hope that the United States will play an active role in the development of a free and safe Internet society.
In addition, I hope that the United States will play a major role in the resolution of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the recovery of the world economy, and the international order through close cooperation and mutual development with Australia, Russia, and other Pacific Rim countries, as well as through diplomacy such as the ongoing relationship with the authorities of Taiwan, established under the leadership of President Trump.
November 10, 2020.
Representative of the Anonymous Club Group
Chairman of the Anonymous Club
Kenri Kaminaga